Privacy Notice

In order to comply with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, PBX Trading Services S de RL de CV., Established in Calle Arroyo Grande No. 172 Fraccionamiento Tres Arroyos , CP 20926 , Jesus Maria, Aguascalientes, Mexico offers this notice in which we inform our responsibility , treatment and give protection to the personal information you provide us.

Your personal information, some considered sensitive under the Federal Law on Protection of Personal in Possession of Private Data, will be used in order to contact you, provide the products or services requested by you and those who are engaged on behalf and his name formalize relations and trade agreements, perform billing of our services and management of the necessary documentation for it , analyze and verify their conformity with the applicable laws information, conducting internal studies to improve the quality of our services, maintenance and updating of our commercial, accounting and operating records.

You have the right to access, rectify and cancel your personal data and to oppose their treatment or revoke consent to its use. To this end, it will be necessary to grant us simply writing delivered personally or by mail.

Staff Sales Area data for commercial purposes, mentioning your full name, phone and email as well as documentation of their personality and a description of the data on which you want to exercise any right. Your request will be handled in accordance with the deadlines established by law and inform about their origin.

The information we need for these purposes is as follows: Full name, or corporate and commercial description and documentation of their identification or legal existence, fixed network and / or phone, email, address, RFC and CURP and any other on your tax situation. Bank account numbers and statements, CLABE, information and commercial, technical, financial and administrative or any kind that is necessary for the provision of services and to comply with legal regulations applicable.

The information you provide will be treated confidentially under strict security systems, however, be advised that your personal data can be transferred and treated within and outside the country by different people at this company only to provide the contracted services. In that sense, your information may be share with correspondents in order to comply with the services offered. If you do not express your opposition to their personal data being transferred it is deemed to have given their consent.

* I do not consent that my personal data to be transfer in the terms indicated in this privacy notice.

This notice will be kept updated on our website in which the date of last update is displayed. Access to our facilities or e-mail communication to institutional mail of the company will be proof reading and acceptance of the terms of this notice at the time of use.